
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bob Dylan- Blowin' in the Wind

So the last few days that I've been studying I've had some rather fun and interesting experiences.

Couple days ago this deaf guy walks in asking for donations so I obliged. He then proceeded to write on my note card above. It was a sincere gesture on his behalf and I definitely restrained myself from admitting my non belief or agnostic view on religion. It did however remind me that even though religion does not serve me and i'm happy without it, it can still do good for others.

Then today was pretty darn awesome. After my first solo study session at Panera Bread I flew over to Starbucks and began my second session. This guy who I later befriended named Mark noticed I was studying Chinese. He's a nursing major and after he was finished he approached me and asked if I needed help. He gave me tips on studying Mandarin and a new foreign language as well. He left his mark by saying how poor his Yingwen(hehe English) was which I disagreed. Yet he continues to speak it at any cost, even public humiliation.

Truly inspiring Mark. He wasn't born in the US but rather in Taiwan and he is here making his mark and inspiring confidence in people like me.

Thanks again bud.

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