
Saturday, October 12, 2013

4 Weeks Notice

This past Thursday I decided to pick up my paycheck and submit my resignation letter. I'm giving them up to 4 weeks to replace me on the cases that remain on my schedule. As I approached HR to discuss this, I was first asked if I was considering an offer to have my BCBA funded by them. In my head I thought, "HAH! You mean add to my load?" I let her know that it was a great idea but not for me. In fact, here's my letter resignation. To which she replied, "oh no". I plead my case and it made sense to her. I'm simple being honest with myself. After all, I know me best and you know you best(at least I'd hope). I'm unable to give my best effort at the MSW program, internship at MAOF AND behavior specialist work.

She pulled in our CEO/President next door and I explained the same situation to him. Luckily, my approach has left me with an open door, if I so choose to return. Even though there have been tons of tribulant times as a behavior specialist, it was great to hear that I'm wanted. Am I the best specialist out there? Heck no. But I give my clients an opportunity to succeed and address any concerns their(I wrote my which shows how attached I become) parents may have. I think for some I may have been a laughing stock when I started this year. I had NO experience and had a background in business administration. Yet, my ability to speak fluent Spanish and my PATIENCE served me well and supported me while I learned about the ABA therapy performed at my agency.  I've evolved as person, in large part due to my experiences in this field and job. I feel better prepared to become a parent(someday), I sympathize with the plight of the family's that have to fight to structural hardships AND their child's disability. But as I've learned in my courses thus far, they're not victims, they're survivors. After I finish my MSW program, my hope is to be able to advocate for these children and family's on any level.

I'm very grateful for this opportunity that was given to me and after November 11, 2013 I will end my life's chapter as a behavior specialist.

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