
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What is the most uplifting fact that you know?

"I have a job at a gas station. It is not glamorous, it is not high paying, it isn't something I want to do forever. I have to clean bathrooms, and help people are don't understand how the gas pumps work, and have people get angry at me for asking for their ID. I mop all the time, just for more people to spill their drinks. And clean the front doors just for more people to put their hand prints on it.
But at the end of the day, my rent will be paid, my SO and I will have food on our table and a working air conditioner. We are not living like rock stars, but we are comfortable and safe. We don't have to worry about where next month's rent is coming from, or how we are going to pay for gas. I may not love my job, but I have one, and that isn't a luxury a lot of people have. I don't have everything I want but I have everything I need, and I am happy."


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